Thursday 23 June 2011

Did Toy Story 3 make me cry?

Did Tory Story 3 make me cry today?
This afternoon I watched Toy Story 3 with my wife and son.  Being a huge fan of the first and second film I came with many expectations which were not disappointed.
This blog entry does not contain spoilers!
After reading many news items about the effect that Toy Story 3 has had on middle aged men I really wondered how this was going to effect me.
Leaving home, growing up, saying goodbye to childish things provided a really strong backdrop to the story combined with friendship and loyalty.
Looking around the cinema I didn’t see any men crying but I definitely felt that the story was really playing on my emotions.
Growing up, putting behind you childish things was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. 
One of the final scenes did really bring it all back to me.  
Going off to University and being at that point where you know there is no going back to the comfort and security of living with Mum and Dad is quite daunting.
There is no going back.
Time for a mortgage, responsibility, getting up every morning for work!
Would I ever want to go back to that moment again?
Probably not.
Did the movie bring it all back to me?
Yes - a little
Did the movie make me cry?
No - because I honestly think that the adventure ahead with my family is really exciting.
I do sometimes wonder what every happened to my Little ted - he was great!

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