Thursday, 30 August 2012

Running RISC OS on the Raspberry Pi

Do you hanker back to the good old days of running RISC OS on the Acorn Arc?  

This brief video shows you how to make and install the image on a Raspberry Pi.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Philip's third game on the Pi

Philip has been programming again and this is his third game.

He is doing well - very proud!

Checkout the Pi blog on my website here.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Discover Dorset: Tyneham Village

Imagine stepping back in time to a village evacuated during the second world war (1943) and remaining cut off from the world for most of the time.  

Tyneham village (on the Lulworth firing range) was evacuated in 1943 and has remained mostly untouched since then.

I'm now a reviewer for Sennheiser

I won a competition yesterday and the prize ....

To be a reviewer for Sennheiser!

This will involve reviewing headphones prior to release and blogging about them.

The video review I used was of my new Finepix camera.

I look forward to receiving my headphones and reviewing them.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Discover Dorset: Brownsea Island

A couple of pictures from Brownsea Island.

Please feel free to use these pictures!

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Free copy of VMFusion 3?

Would you like a free copy of VM Fusion 3?

To celebrate hitting over 10,000 views on my blog I'm giving away a copy of VM Fusion 3.

VM Fusion 3 allows you to run Windows on your Mac.  You will need your own copy of Windows to install though.

To enter the draw simply go to this link and upload a photo to our gallery.

Giveaway open from 18th - 25th August 2012

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

More Raspberry Pi Goodness

We've made it onto the Raspberry Pi website!

To see the webpage click here

Philips first game on the Raspberry Pi

This is Philip's first game that he wrote from scratch for the Raspberry Pi.  I am really proud of this especially as he is only 7 and had little help with this.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Monkey World: Dorset

Last week we had a lovely week in Swanage which still remains an unspoilt seaside town in Dorset.  One one of our days out we went to Monkey world.

Here are a few photos from our day out.  Please do not use these for commercial purposes.

Camera Review: Fuji FinePix S2995

If you are looking for a great price for a bridge camera check out my Amazon Associate shop  -->Here

After nearly eight very happy with my Fuji FinePix S5500 camera I decided it was time to upgrade to something newer.  I really love Bridge cameras, the functionality and design of aDSLR but with a single built in lens and electronic view finder.  Without wishing to spend too much money on a camera I settled for the FinePix S2995.

Watch the following video for  a review of this camera.

For more photos taken during the review.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Philip's first steps in programming

If you had said to me just a  couple of days ago my son would be writing his own (simple) computer programmes I would not have believed it.  By teatime today with the help of Scratch - a visual basic style programme he had written  a fairly complex routine with questions, if statements, loops and routines!

It almost reminds me of myself 25 years ago writing BBC basic programmes on my Sinclair Spectrum.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Raspberry Pi photos

I can't believe how much of a hit my Raspberry Pi has been with my seven year old son.  He thinks it is amazing and loves linux!

Philip is already writing a short animation using scratch.

Here are a few photos including one of the custom case that was produced for me at work on the 3D printer.

Going clockwise from the top:

HDMI connector to TV
Power supply (from my Blackberry charger)
SD card with OS
TV out (not used)
Headphones (not used)
USB - keyboard and Most
LAN connection

For more reviews and videos check out: